Texas Western Club Reopening Saturday, May 9th at 2 PM!

Greetings Texas Western Model Railroad Club members!

Recently, the Board of Directors met and discussed the re-opening of the club.  We have chosen the reopen date and time. We will use the same guidelines for safety as the City of Forest Hill since they are renting the club building to us.

With that said, here is the exciting news!

The Texas Western will re-open on Saturday, May 9, at 2:00 pm.
( Pick up where you left off on projects, track, electrical, etc.)  Please see COO- Clarence Zink if you are unsure of where to start or what is needed.

Please note: The May 7th business meeting is canceled. The next business meeting will be held on June 4th at 7 pm.

 Guidelines, until further notice:  (Please help us preserve your health and the health of other members)

  1. Everyone will wear a mask.  This is to protect you and other members. (bring your own)
  2. Wear gloves if you feel you desire to do so.  Optional, but highly recommended.  (bring your own)
  3. Until we get a handle on the club use again, please—  members or prospective members only
  4. Maintain a social distance of 6 ft. at all times
  5. Wash hands frequently after touching items in the club (doors, tables, etc)
  6. Use a bleach/water spray bottle we will have on hand to disinfect doorknobs and other surfaces that you have touched or may want to touch.
  7. If you are sick, please stay home.
  8. If you are concerned about your health or someone at home, please stay home until you feel totally comfortable about being at the club.

 If you have any questions, please let me or a member of the board know.

David Crumpton
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Western Model Railroad Club
817-941-3620 mobile